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We cannot pour from empty vessels.
Too often we neglect ourselves until we are burned out and depleted,
leaving us vulnerable to anxiety, depression, chronic health issues,
relationship problems and impaired performance.
Our Signature HeartFire Program is designed to nurture your Mind, Body, and Spirit for Optimal Wellness.
The first step is to de-stress and quiet the mind. As we regulate the nervous system, we move out of fight, flight or freeze, and begin to feel calmer. Our body begins to heal and repair itself. Mind Care involves processing and healing old trauma. This can be done safely and quickly using neuroscience techniques.
Healthy lifestyle habits are essential to Mental Wellness. When we live in survival mode our bodies are in a state of dis-ease, unable to perform basic maintenance functions. By taking better care of our bodies, we can reduce inflammation, auto-immune disorders, chronic illnesses and improve mood.
When we feel safe and healthy, we begin to flourish and thrive. We have a greater capacity for presence and in turn, we're more open and available for connection.We notice and appreciate life more. We self-reflect, grow and become more resilient, joyful and compassionate beings.
HeartFire is a personalized 12-step Holistic Healing Journey for restored Mental Health.
Parent Care is a Holistic Healing Journey for parents who need to reset their nervous systems so they can be the best parent for their kids.
We offer customized workshops, seminars and courses to help youth develop the self-regulatory and social emotional skills needed to thrive.